For years, the theory was that the name and cache of the agency would enhance the success of the agents who joined it. In actual fact, the reputation of the agency was originally built by the agents in it. It is our belief that the agency is responsible for aiding and facilitating the success of each individual agent through individual marketing programs coordinated with the company. The internet is a major integral part of the business of real estate.

It is crucial to the success of a real estate company that they maximize the use of the internet and create an online presence to drive customers to the company.  The company’s website should be extremely user friendly and provide as much information as possible to the consumer including the ability to set appointments from the website.  The website should also maintain a high ranking in all search engines.  Each individual agent should also maintain a website linked to the company site.  Subscriptions to Internet lead generation companies are critical to enhance the efforts of the company.

Gone is the day when the golf course served as the major source of business.  It is critical to the survival and success of the company that it be able to be identified and recognized as an industry leader …differentiated from the other companies offering the same essential services.  Its appeal must be universal – appealing to all generations of buyers from all age groups preferences – and speak to the consumer in such a way that the company brand becomes immediately identifiable

The same people who make the agency a success should reap the rewards of their efforts.  This is done through both a generous commission split schedule as well as the opportunity for profit sharing in the company.

To stay current in an industry that is undergoing massive change, it is incumbent upon each agent to invest time and money in continuing professional education.  To encourage agents, the company has designed a bonus program that rewards their education and designation efforts with additional compensation.

All agents within the company will be mandated to become familiar with every listing the company has to properly represent the best interests of the clients.  Every effort will be made to create an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork.  Brainstorming marketing issues, property listing issues and problem solving will be encouraged to provide the best possible service to each client.

Although it is possible to work with both buyers and sellers, recognizing that some agents work better with one or the other is an important step in providing the highest possible level of service to our clients.  Recognizing our strengths and weaknesses and those of others, will give us the opportunity to work within the company to provide each client with what they need.  To that end, teams are encouraged wherein individuals are designated as buyers’ or sellers’ agents.

Within the company, individuals will be identified as specialists for particular geographic areas as well as particular types of properties.  For example, an agent in one part of the state cannot possibly know the peculiarities of another part of the state if they have never been there before!  Residential specialists may not know the intricacies of a commercial transaction.  Again, teamwork is encouraged, and referral and cooperating fees are encouraged to achieve the highest level of service possible for each client.

From day one, the customer should be given the courtesy of open and timely communication.  We strive to return all phone calls the same day and all e-mails within 8 hours.  Although the standard of the industry is 24 hours, we will hold to a higher standard.  Again, in this fast-paced online world, delays cost business, affects our integrity and lessens customer loyalty.

It used to be that you could get away with upgrading your hardware every three years…we are looking at every 18 months now!  The company is being founded at in the wireless age and will be set up to accommodate that.  All agents are encouraged to be more mobile and join us in the cloud.  Wherever possible the company will negotiate for group discounts on technology and make it available to all who wish to participate.  We will do everything possible to stay at the forefront of the changes in technology and provide the training and support agents need to keep up.

Buyer Agency is a very viable way to earn money.  The art of asking for the agreement is a learned behavior.  It is a business decision to choose to work with committed buyers as opposed to lookers.  To maximize our effectiveness, we encourage all agents to get the buyer committed in writing…just like getting a seller to commit in writing to a listing agreement.  We are giving 100% so it is not difficult to ask the buyer to commit.


Lets Work Together